Thaddeus Society About Us

Mission Statement

The Thaddeus Society is a community of young adults seeking to follow the path of St Jude as followers and friends of Christ. We accomplish this goal by offering small-group settings to delve deeper into our faith, as well as, opportunities to gather as a larger group to celebrate the sacraments and enjoy fellowship. This community seeks to serve the needs of all young adults, 18-39, that want to grow deeper in their relationship with Christ.

Vision Statement

When more and more Catholics choose to embrace and live their faith; that is when real change in the world will happen. We will not settle with mediocrity in our relationship with Christ and His Church. We are the change the world needs to see.

“If Catholics would rise up and be truly Catholic, the world would change overnight.”
Mother Angelica

“Do not be afraid. Do not be satisfied with mediocrity. Put out into the deep and let down your nets for a catch.”
Pope John Paul II

Values Statement

  1. St Jude Thaddeus is our patron, and Mary, Queen of the Universe, is our patroness.
  2. We are true to the teachings of the holy Roman Catholic Church.
  3. The Thaddeus Society is a ministry through St Jude but open to all young adults.