What kind of retreat is this?
Well…. it’s the kind that refreshes you? : ) Basically we have attempted to create a much more laid back retreat than what you have likely experienced before. There are only 3 talks. Adoration is available during the whole time. There is a chance to take a nap, or just have some quiet alone time. There will be fun and social time, too. But this retreat is what you make of it. If you want to go off to your room by yourself and skip a talk – go for it. If you want to follow everything on the schedule – great.
Who can attend?
ANY high school students.
Where is the retreat?
We will be at Little Pine Island Camp’s Lower Lodge (6889 Pine Island Dr Comstock Park, MI 49321). It’s about as cozy of a place as it gets. Everything is in the same building. There are dorm rooms with single or bunk beds. There is a large space with couches and a fireplace. It’s pretty darn great.
I have never been on a retreat, will this work for me?
This would be a great retreat for someone who has attended 0 or someone has been on 100. Come expecting to enjoy yourself.
I have a conflict in my schedule that would have be late or leave for a little while. Is that OK?
Yes! Just please let us know.
What is the cost?
$65. If money is an issue, PLEASE let Sue know. We never want that to stop someone from attending.
When will my parents get more information?
We will send out a permission slip and more specifics roughly a week before the retreat (it will likely be the Monday before). Please check your junk mail.
Or, you can go HERE to find a packing list or HERE to find a parent letter.
I have so many questions – AHHHHHH!
Please email Sue Wuorinen, Brittany Renne, Cassie Herrington, or Brandy Holt with any questions.
Where do I sign up?
Go HERE to sign up for this retreat!