Parish Life Ministries
Adopt a College Student
We don’t want students that graduate from high school to feel they have been forgotten by their home parish community. That’s where this program comes in! Interested students are asked to sign up and are then paired with an interested “adopting family” from the parish. Throughout the year the family will send cards, prayers, and care packages to the student. To sign up or find out more information, go HERE.
Contact: Sue Wuorinen, (616)363-6885 ext 5166 or EMAIL.
40 Days for Life
40 Days for Life is a campaign of a peaceful prayer vigil in front of the abortion clinic at 320 E Fulton St, Grand Rapids. Churches of all denominations participate by choosing a specific day during the 40 days for pray and be witness for the unborn Our parish chooses a certain day and those interested are asked to sign up for a particular hour to pray between 7AM and 8PM. Those who participate are asked to come in groups with family, friends, or fellow church members, but you are welcome to set up your own time, also.
Contact: Diane Mankel, (616)990-4722
55 Plus
“55 Plus” is a program for seniors 55 and over. This group meets on the 3rd Wednesday of each month, September through June, for a catered lunch for a nominal fee and a great program. Programs include informational sessions, motivational speakers, and musical entertainment. Please see the bulletin for monthly details.
Contact: Kathy Roguska, (616) 447-9930
Members of the Bereavement Committee bring peace and comfort to those who have suffered the loss of a loved one. We represent the parish through funeral home visitation. We support people throughout the grieving process. Anyone interested in helping through this process is invited to participate.
Contact: Larry Balas, (616) 363-9295
Blood Drive
This ministry is scheduled twice a year. It involves advertising the blood drive with notices in the bulletin, announcements at Mass, and posters placed in the local community. It also involves making phone calls to recruit enough blood donors to make the drive worthwhile. This can be time-consuming. Although a list of past donors is available, it is necessary to get new people involved. On the day of the drive, the drivers who set up everything are in need of help in unloading the equipment. The registration person can use assistance with seating donors and instructing them on completing their questionnaires. Help is also needed in providing homemade or store-bought treats for the donors to partake in after giving blood. A person or two to serve the refreshments is beneficial as well.
Contact: Mary Sedlecky, (616)361-1681
Book Club
The St. Jude Book Club meets regularly to discuss books written by Catholic authors (or authors that have had a positive impact on the Christian faith and which do not conflict/contradict Church teaching; e.g., CS Lewis).
Catholic Grandparents Association
Contact: Diane Brewster, (616)648-0515 EMAIL
Christmas Giving Tree
Our parishioners provide gifts for people in need at Christmas time. The people who receive our gifts are parishioners, local young mothers, orphans, needy children of all ages, and veterans. Please check the church bulletin for all details beginning the weekend before Thanksgiving. For many people our gifts are the only gifts they may receive. You make their Christmas.
Contact: Diane Brewster, (616) 648-0515 EMAIL
Collection Counters
Collection counters are responsible for counting the Sunday offertory. We meet every Monday morning at 9:00 a.m. for approximately two hours each week. Teams are based on the number of volunteers and currently rotate every three months. Additional volunteers are always welcome and could possibly reduce the existing time requirements. Special skills are not required and “on the job” training is provided. Please consider joining this very worthy ministry and meet some new friends.
Contact: Jill Host, (616)363-6885
Delivery of Thanksgiving and Christmas Food Baskets
St. Jude parishioners deliver food baskets, turkeys and hams to needy area families for the holidays. These are put together by St. Jude parishioners from donated food collections during November and December. Deliveries are done on a Saturday, usually 10-12 days prior to the holiday. Please volunteer your time and be a part of holiday sharing and giving.
Contact: Parish Office, (616)363-6885
Eucharistic Adoration
Come adore the Lord for one hour or more in Eucharistic Adoration. The Most Blessed Sacrament is exposed upon the altar of St. Jude the fourth Tuesday of each month beginning September 26th 2023, from 9AM-7PM. We must have at least one person present during each hour as the Most Blessed Sacrament may not be left alone while exposed. There is a sign
up sheet in the vestibule of the Church, or you may sign up HERE.
Contact: Diane Brewster (616)648-0515 or EMAIL.
Food Pantry – Ship of Hope
This ministry involves taking the food collected on the first weekend of every month to our ACCESS food pantry at New City Church on the corner of Spencer and Plainfield. The food should be delivered on the Monday after Ship of Hope weekend between 9:00 a.m. and noon. A delivery schedule is created from the Time and Talent forms each year.
Contact: Parish Office, (616)363-6885
Funeral Luncheons
Our ministry prepares luncheons after the funeral Mass for the families that request it. It is one less thing they have to worry about at their time of loss. We invite anyone interested in helping serve the lunch, make a dish or call for dishes to join our ministry.
Contact: Rich Reames, (616) 550-5830
Barb Makowski, (616) 363-3683
Grief Support Group
The St. Jude Parish Grief Support Group meets on the 2nd Wednesday of each month, from 1:00p.m. to 2:30p.m., in the Brophy Center. For more information contact Diane Kreslins at 616-450-8132, or at
High School Exam Care Packages
Exams can be a stressful time in a student’s education. Our hope is to provide support during that time. In May, close to the exam schedule, parishioners donate goods such as snacks or school supplies that are then put into a care package. Parishioners then sign up to deliver these to the students. It is an easy and quick way to help another in the Body of Christ. Find out more HERE.
Contact: Sue Wuorinen, (616)363-6885 ext 1161 or EMAIL.
Contact: Pete Gonzalez
Knights of Columbus
We are men who lead, serve, protect and defend, whether we are giving out Coats for Kids, lending a hand in disaster relief efforts, supporting local pregnancy centers by donating ultrasound machines or providing top-quality financial products. For more information, please check out our Knights’ page!
Living Your Strengths
Living Your Strengths is an exciting initiative that identifies and explores your unique, God-given talents and looks at their influences on your daily activities, spiritual life, and service to others.
Contact: Bill Plouff at (616)916-0689.
Mary’s Mantle Consecration
Each year starting on St Jude’s feast day, October 28, from the feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe, December 12, parishioners are invited to embark on a fantastic journey of prayer, sacrifice, and community. The Mary’s Mantle Consecration is a wonderful charism that will undoubtedly boost your faith life. Go HERE for more information.
Contact: Sue Wuorinen, (616)363-6885 ext 5166 or EMAIL.
Meal Train
We are starting a new meal train program! To start this will be available for any families with new babies. After it has been established, we will open it up to other families in need. We need volunteers to make this happen! Please sign up to be put on the email list HERE. You can also find more specifics on the program, too.
Contact: Sue Wuorinen, (616)560-8107 or EMAIL
Parish Grounds – Flower Beds
This ministry is for the growers of our parish community. Each spring we assign each of our flower beds/gardens to a person, couple, or group for them to tend throughout the spring, summer, and fall months. If you like to be outside and tend to “the garden,” then this is the ministry for you!
Contact: Parish Office, (616)363-6885
Prayer Line
This ministry is dedicated to praying for the needs of the St. Jude parish family. Prayer requests are kept confidential among the members of the group. Members pray privately in their own homes. The ministry is ideal for shut-ins, retired people, mothers at home with young children, or anyone who has time and a generous heart. Adults and teens are invited to join the Prayer Line Ministry.
Contact: Parish Office, (616)363-6885.
Prayer Shawl Ministry
Every year at Christmas and at Easter we donate prayer shawls that we have made to residents in area nursing homes. A prayer shawl is a knitted or crocheted garment that residents use to cover their shoulders when it is cooler. As we work on the shawl we pray for the person who will be receiving it. We supply a prayer or you may pray one of your own choosing. The shawl is a rectangle that measures approximately 60 x 20 inches. It does not have to be fancy, you may use any stitch and size needle or hook you like. There are no meetings or time frames. You work at your own pace and when finished you can hand it in at the parish office. Once finished, we wrap the shawl and include a card that tells where it came from. The card also includes the prayer that was prayed for them.
Contact: Peg Manuszak, (616) 361-5836
Prison/Jail Ministry
The purpose of this ministry is to bring God’s word and love to the incarcerated and their families. This is done in many ways — from Bible Study and Communion Services in prisons, jails, work release or juvenile centers to one-on-one written communication, collection and delivery of holiday presents, and providing input for Healthy Living Classes. The mission of this ministry is also to address the aftercare needs of ex-offenders and to raise awareness of justice issues surrounding incarceration. Participation in this ministry requires prayerful discernment and training with the diocese program director.
Contact: Parish Office, (616)363-6885
Rummage Sale
The Parish Rummage Sale is held on a Saturday in the spring and we guarantee a good time! We have a January meeting at which time we make some final decisions and work on signs. On the Friday before the sale, we sort the items that have been donated and prepare for the sale. On Saturday, we are in need of several cashiers and people to bag sale items and refold clothing. After the sale, we package items which were not sold for pickup on Monday.
Contact: Chris Fales, (616)363-3279
Shut-In Ministry
Our mission is to deliver fruit baskets or flowers during the holiday season to those who are ill and unable to leave their homes. We also visit those who are homebound and check on their well being, try to build a rapport and remind them that we are all part of the parish family. We are open to anyone, from teenagers on up, who would like to help out. An ability to drive and a willingness to serve are the only requirements.
Contact: Parish Office, (616)363-6885
Spiritual Support for the Sick and Grieving
St. Jude Parish is offering spiritual support sessions for parishioners who are living with chronic/life-threatening illness or grief. Receiving this spiritual support will offer encouragement and hope. The individual sessions are held in a parish office, for 45 minutes at no cost to parishioners. To schedule a session, call Diane Kreslins, MA, Spiritual Director at 616-450-8132, and leave a message with your name and phone number. Diane will return your call.
Thaddeus Society
The St Jude Thaddeus Society for Catholic Young Adults is a program geared toward 18-39ers that are looking to get more out of their lives by growing in their relationship with Christ and others in the community. This includes all single, married, religious, and divorced adults. The program is based out of St Jude Parish but is open to anyone. You can find out more information or sign up HERE.
Contact: Sue Wuorinen, (616)363-6885
Vacation Bible School
Liturgical Ministries
Altar Linen Maintenance
Members of the Altar Linen Ministry care for the linens used in Holy Communion and that dress the altar at daily and weekend Liturgies. This care includes washing and ironing the cloths. Linens are picked up and returned by members of this ministry. The time commitment is minimal; usually 2—3 hours several times per year.
Contact: Rosemary Toole, (616)361-9668
Altar Server
Originally reserved for young men training to become priests, the ministry of acolyte (another word for server) is now open to boys and girls grade five and above, who have demonstrated good character and a responsible attitude. Training is held to prepare the server to assist the priest as needed throughout the Mass. Servers assist at Mass approximately once a month and need to arrive early for Mass and be well-groomed and alert.
Contact: Parish Office, (616)363-6885
Altar Server Robe Maintenance
There is a satisfaction in maintaining the altar server robes. It is so nice to see the servers in crisp, clean robes. The servers are serving not only the priest, but more importantly, they are serving Jesus. With enough volunteers, you may have to wash and iron the robes only once a year. The maintenance of the robes is quite simple. You collect the robes after the Sunday 10:30 a.m. Mass or at your convenience. Then you wash, iron and hang the robes and return them by the following Tuesday or Wednesday.
Contact: Parish Office, (616)363-6885
Church Decorations
Whether it is one of the great feasts of the church year or daily Mass, we praise the Lord by helping to beautify His home with flowers, plants and banners. Anyone who can do this on a weekly or monthly basis or who just wants to help with special feast days is invited to participate. A training session of 1 — 2 hours and an annual meeting to explain the technical liturgical side of church environment is all that is required. If you have a love of working with plants and flowers and arranging displays and would like to spend quiet time in church doing this, then this ministry is for you! Children and teens are welcome.
Contact: Tami Maskell, (616) 481-5328
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion
It is an awesome honor and responsibility to participate in the distribution of the Holy Eucharist, the glorified Body and Blood of Jesus! Our Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion are a necessary and valued part of every celebration of the Mass. Parish staff schedule training sessions for all Ministers and notices are posted in the bulletin. Prerequisites for becoming an Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion are simply that you be a confirmed adult or teen Catholic and that you will perform this important office with common sense and reverence for the Sacrament.
Contact: Parish Office, (616)363-6885
Funeral Masses
This ministry provides Readers and Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion at funeral Masses as a service to the newly bereaved. Members must be trained as Readers and Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion and must be available on short notice during the week as needed.
Contact: Linda Parks, (616)363-6885
For Funeral Planning information, visit here.
Healing Mass
Join us for a Mass of Faith, Hope and Healing (Healing Mass) on the first Wednesday of every month at 7:00pm.
We are in need of Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion, Readers and a Sacristan.
Contact: Parish Office, (616) 363-6885.
Hospital Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion are a necessary and valued part of every Mass. It is also important to remember those that are unable to attend Mass due to hospitalization. Hospital Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion are called upon one weekend per month to take communion to our parishioners who are in the hospital. Prerequisites are simply that you be a confirmed adult or teen Catholic and that you perform your duties with common sense and reverence for the Sacrament.
Contact: Linda Parks, (616)363-6885
Readers are entrusted with the task of making the Word of God come alive by proclaiming it in such a way that the congregation hears Him speaking to them. With practice, we are able to fulfill our task and make the Liturgy more meaningful for all. Those who are designated to server as readers shall be Roman Catholics who are fully initiated (through Baptism, Confirmation and Eucharist), are in good standing with the Church, embody a mature Christian lifestyle and can proclaim the Scriptures with faith and skill. As a rule, readers are to be at least 16 years old. Training includes articulation, phrasing, voice projection and microphone use. Each reader receives a manual of the readings for the year, with meditations and appropriate suggestions for effective proclaiming. Readers are assigned on a rotating basis at the Mass which is preferred.
Contact: Parish Office (616)363-6885
The music ministry at St. Jude holds a reputation of excellence. We are a vibrant community of singers and instrumentalists who love to give glory to God through the majesty of song. We are always looking for new members! If you are interested in any of these music ministry opportunities, or have any questions, please contact MaryAlice Clor-Miller.
Contact: MaryAlice Clor-Miller, (616)363-6885.
Rosary (before 8:30 a.m. Mass)
This ministry is looking for dedicated people to lead and pray the Rosary before the 8:30 a.m. Mass each Sunday morning. We begin at 8:05 a.m. and conclude at 8:25 a.m. No training is required. We pray the mysteries according to the seasons — during Advent we pray the Joyful Mysteries, during Lent we pray the Sorrowful Mysteries, and for the remainder of the year we pray the Glorious Mysteries.
Contact: Pat Krulek, (616)361-0991
The sacristan is someone who volunteers to prepare the church for Mass. Setting out the hosts and wine, preparing the chalice and cups, and making sure that everything is ready for the celebration of the Eucharist are the sacristan’s duties. The sacristan should set up for Mass one hour prior to Mass time. Training is required.
Contact: Parish Office, (616)363-6885
The job of the ushers is to greet people entering and leaving the church. They usher people to pews, collect the tithes, carry the offertory and the cross, and distribute the bulletins. Ushers should make their first word a word of welcome. They should keep on the lookout for new members of the parish, visitors and the aged. When they recognize newcomers, they should invite them to meet some of those present, introduce them and help them to feel welcome. Adults and teenagers are welcome. Ushers must be dependable, kind and willing to accentuate the positive.
Contact: Tom Carpenter, (616)361-1236