First Holy Communion & Reconciliation

Our Faith Formation team is excited to partner with you in forming Saints! We provide weekly instruction beginning in the first grade. If not enrolled at All Saints Academy, children should attend these classes in all grades for first through eighth grade. If you homeschool, your child must still go through our program in order to be properly prepared to receive the Sacraments. Because community is important in our Christian faith, we do encourage all children to participate in person so they grow together with their St. Jude peers and are able to take advantage of on site learning activities that occur in the church and on the campus of St. Jude.

Preparations for the Sacraments of Reconciliation and Holy Communion begin at home. Parents are the first and foremost educators of their children, and overwhelmingly have the largest influence on the faith life of their children. Please attend Mass every Sunday and on Holy Days with your children to establish a firm foundation. Attending Mass in person every Sunday and on Holy Days is one of the “precepts of the Church” (minimum requirements to be considered a practicing Catholic).

Besides weekly classroom preparation, students and their parents should attend scheduled meetings or other events, if scheduled. These events provide additional formation for your child so they are fully prepared to celebrate the Sacraments of First Reconciliation and Holy Eucharist.

The parent meetings are for the parents of both public school and ASA students.

A special note to ASA parents:

  • Sacramental prep is the responsibility of the parish. Often times when a parish also has a school, Sacramental prep is done at that school at the direction of the parish. ASA is a somewhat unique case since it is a conglomeration of four parishes. As a result, while the children are receiving a religious education at the school, Sacramental prep is still done by the parish.
  • Registration, paperwork, and record keeping is done by the respective parishes, not the school.
  • The children will receive their first Reconciliation and first Holy Communion at a Mass in their respective parishes, not through the school.
  • In order for your child to be properly prepared to receive the Sacraments, parents should attend the St. Jude parent meetings and children should attend any extra classes (there aren’t many).
  • Though not required, you are welcome to enroll your child in our Sunday evening classes, so they can receive additional formation in the faith, get to know other children from the St. Jude community who are not attending ASA and take advantage of on site learning activities that occur in the church and on the St. Jude campus.

Requirements for the Reception of First Communion & Reconciliation

  1. Children must attend weekly Faith Formation classes or attend All Saints Academy.
  2. Children should be at least 7 years old and have reached the age of reason.
  3. Children must attend Sunday Mass weekly.
  4. Parental involvement at home, attendance at meetings and scheduled special events are essential.

Required Documents

Complete the Sacrament Registration Form.

Baptismal Certificate. If your child was not baptized at St. Jude, parents must provide a copy of your child’s baptismal certificate to Mary Ellen in the parish office. Please contact her with any questions at


As the faith formation year progresses, please use these checklists to make sure your child is prepared for their First Reconciliation and First Holy Communion.

First Reconciliation Checklist

First Communion Checklist

Helpful Information

Parents are the primary educators of their children in all aspects of life, including faith. Whether you send your kids to ASA or to our Religious Education classes at St. Jude, what they learn at school or in class will have a much better chance of lasting if it’s also being lived at home. Check out this Parenting Tips document for some simple steps every family can take to make our Catholic faith come alive at home.

FORMED has lots of resources that can help us grow in faith and understanding. All of the videos to the right are on FORMED. If you don’t have a free subscription to FORMED, click here to find out how to get one. Normally there is a cost for this, but St. Jude pays an annual subscription so our parishioners can enjoy free access.

2025 Important Dates

March 2 – Parent meeting at 5:30pm in the Brophy Center

April 13 – Meeting & Breakfast after 10:30 Mass (Knights of Columbus)

April 24 – First Reconciliation Service at 6:30pm

May 1 – First Communion PRACTICE at 6:30pm

May 4 – First Communion Mass at 10:30am

Preparing at Home

We have selected videos from FORMED to help you prepare at home. The parish has paid for your subscription to FORMED, so please take advantage of this great resource! Find out how to set up your account here.



Forgiven: The Transforming Power of Confession – Session 1 “Where Are You?”


Signs of Grace: You Are Forgiven, Episode 1

Signs of Grace: You Are Forgiven, Episode 2



Forgiven: The Transforming Power of Confession – Session 2 “An Encounter With Mercy”

Forgiven: The Transforming Power of Confession – Session 3 “Embraced in Mercy: The Rite Explained”


Signs of Grace: You Are Forgiven, Episode 3

Signs of Grace: You Are Forgiven, Episode 4



Forgiven: The Transforming Power of Confession – Biblical Foundations

Forgiven: The Transforming Power of Confession – Answering Common Questions about Confession


Signs of Grace: You Are Forgiven, Episode 5

Signs of Grace: You Are Forgiven, Episode 6



Forgiven: The Transforming Power of Confession – For Parents: Preparing Your Child for First Confession


Forgiven: The Transforming Power of Confession – For Children: How to Make a Great Confession



Presence for Parents: Preparing Your Child for First Holy Communion

Presence: The Mystery of the Eucharist, Episode 1


Signs of Grace: You Are Loved, Episode 1

Signs of Grace: You Are Loved, Episode 2

Signs of Grace: You Are Loved, Episode 3



Presence: The Mystery of the Eucharist, Episode 2


Signs of Grace: You Are Loved, Episode 4

Signs of Grace: You Are Loved, Episode 5

Signs of Grace: You Are Loved, Episode 6



Presence: The Mystery of the Eucharist, Episode 3

Watch Again – Forgiven: The Transforming Power of Confession – For Parents: Preparing Your Child for First Confession


Signs of Grace: You Are Loved, Episode 7

Presence for Children: The Miracle at Every Mass

Watch Again – Forgiven: The Transforming Power of Confession – For Children: How to Make a Great Confession