We are starting a NEW parish meal train program! Find out the answers to all (or most) of your questions below!
FAQs for Volunteers
Who can volunteer?
Anyone! Even if you can’t cook your way out of a paper bag, there are options to offer support in this program!
What is expected of the volunteers?
Those that are interested in preparing meals will be put on an email list.
Once a family in need has signed up, an email will be sent out to the volunteers requesting meals to be made. If you can do it that time – great. If you will be unavailable – we can check with you for the next time.
Once you have agreed to provide the meal, a link will be sent out to the meal train website with all the information needed. You can pick which day you want there.
The volunteer is asked to purchase the food, prepare the meal, and drop it off to the family.
Volunteers can also opt to order a meal to be sent to the family (i.e. pizza.)
They can also donate gift cards through the meal train website.
Do I need to make a 5 course meal?
Not unless the Holy Spirit inspires you to!
A meal could simply consist of a casserole or main dish. If you want to add on a salad or bread or dessert – that is up to you, but not expected!
You could also pick a day to share with a couple of others and each make a part of the meal.
If I sign up to be on the list, am I required to make a meal every time?
Nope! If you are unavailable, we understand and will check with you for the next time.
How can I support the families and program if I can’t or don’t have time to cook?
You can purchase gift cards or order a take-out meal to their house.
Where can I sign up?
Sign up below!
I have more questions!
Contact Sue Wuorinen by email or phone (616)363-6885 ext 5166.
Meal Train Volunteer Registration
"*" indicates required fields
FAQs for Meal Recipients
Who can participate?
We have 2 meal train programs available: families with new babies and for those with families in the hospital.
How many meals will we receive?
Families with new babies will receive 7 meals spread out through 2 weeks.
Families with loved ones sick or in the hospital will receive 3 meals spread out through 1 week.
Do I have to be a parishioner to receive this benefit?
At this time this is a program for parishioners only.
My family has food allergies and dietary needs, can we still participate?
Yes! Just make sure to note that on the registration form below.
When will the meal train start for families with new babies?
We ask for the estimated due date. Once the baby is born, please just EMAIL or call Sue (616)363-6885 ext 5166 and we will start getting it set up.
I have more questions, who do I ask?
Please do not hesitate to reach out to Sue Wuorinen at (616)363-6885 ext 5166 or EMAIL.
How do we sign up?
You can sign up below!
Meal Train Family Registration
"*" indicates required fields