Living Your Strengths (LYS) Series
Living Your Strengths is an exciting initiative that identifies and explores your unique, God-given talents and looks at their influences on your daily activities, spiritual life, and service to others.
The Living Your Strengths initiative is a six-week series that uses the Living Your Strengths book and an associated “Journey Participants” guide. A website survey assessment is used to identify your ‘top five’ themes of talents.
The six LYS sessions are held in a small group setting of 10-12 people. This facilitates discussions that leads to a deeper understanding and respect for your unique talents and the unique talents of others. These discussions also explore how your talents can be used with the talents of others to further serve the parish and the broader community.
Participants’ feedback included the following comments:
“A life changing event”
“It provided a lot of food for thought; I look at everything differently now”
“I strongly encourage everyone to participate in LYS”
“It is beneficial to your own personal life”
Contact Bill Plouff for more information. (616)916-0689.