At St. Jude, we are excited to partner with you to be a part of your child’s faith journey! Our volunteer catechists donate their time and talents to help your children grow in faith and understanding. They bring experience, joy and strong faith backgrounds to the classroom. But we ask you to keep in mind that the Church is not the primary educator of your children. Formal faith formation classes for children should be considered a supplement to a child’s faith formation. The vast majority of faith formation happens in the home, regardless of whether the parents are giving instruction or not. Parents model the behavior and beliefs that children develop. So if a parent is apathetic, critical or even hostile to church teaching, a child is more likely to develop the same attitude even if they attend religious education classes throughout their entire childhood.
We’ll partner with you by providing instruction and resources (like FORMED). We’ll also provide parents with their own opportunities to continue growing in faith. Often times, an engaged parent can rediscover their faith through the eyes of their children. It can be a remarkable thing!
Children’s Liturgy of the Word
Children’s Liturgy of the Word is a time of prayer and reflection on God’s Word presented with child-friendly language, rituals and FUN. All children are called to Children’s Liturgy of the Word at the Sunday 10:30am Mass during the school year.
Grades 1-8 Religious Education Classes
At St. Jude, we’re blessed to be a partner parish and campus for All Saints Academy. If your child (grades 1-8) is in public school (not enrolled at ASA), we encourage you to enroll them in our low cost, Religious Education weekly classes. These classes are held once a week during the school year.
First Holy Communion and Reconciliation
Children in second grade have the opportunity to prepare for their First Reconciliation and First Holy Communion.
Eighth graders who have been baptized Catholic and have received their First Communion and Reconciliation are able to become candidates for reception of the sacrament of Confirmation.
Vacation Bible School
Each summer, we host a fun-filled Vacation Bible School.
Youth Ministry
Confirmation isn’t graduation from faith formation. It’s a time to begin moving even deeper into the faith. Our middle and high school youth ministry strives to combine continued religious education with formative experiences and FUN!
The role of parents in education is of such importance that it is almost impossible to provide an adequate substitute.
Catechism of the Catholic Church 2221