Coming Events

Spiritual Support Ministry Program

St. Jude Parish is offering spiritual support sessions for parishioners who are living with chronic/life-threatening illness or grief.

Children’s Choir News!

Email Emily Blink HERE!

Online Giving

St. Jude is now offering online giving to all its parishioners! Support our parish with online recurring or one-time gifts.

Catholic Services Appeal

Please prayerfully consider supporting the 2024 Catholic Services Appeal.

Prayer for Vocations

Bishop Walkowiak has launched a vocations prayer initiative. This prayer asks the Lord to bless the Diocese of Grand Rapids with more vocations to the priesthood, diaconate, and religious life.

Strategic Plan Update

St Jude ministry leaders have been actively working on the St Jude Parish Strategic Plan since early last year. Past parish surveys and ministries’ brainstorming…

Faith Formation Classes Starting!

Faith Formation classes will begin on Sunday, September 22 for grades 1-8. Classes are held from5:30-7pm. These classes include Sacramental prep for the second graders…

Do You Know Someone That…?

ARE YOU SOMEONE OR DO YOU KNOW SOMEONE WHO… Has expressed an interest in becoming Catholic? Was baptized Catholic as a child, but has not…

ABLAZE – Ignite Your Prayer Life

Join us to spark a passion for prayer and deepen your spiritual life at the Grand Rapids Diocesan Council of Catholic Women’s 84th Fall Conference.

Blessing of the Pets

October 6 at 5:10pm! Join us under the canopy by the parish offices.