6-12th Grade Altitude Night

Registration is now closed!


Saturday, February 15. 7-8:30PM

Note: This during mid-winter break


Altitude Trampoline Park
3495 Alpine Ave
Walker 49544


All 6-12th graders


$20/student covers the 90 minutes of jump time and pizza.

Jump socks are required to jump on the trampolines. If you are already own them, bring them with you. If you do not, please add $3.50 onto the cost.

Concessions are also available at an added cost.

Please pay in cash or check (made out to St Jude Parish) before the event. If this is an issue, please let me know.

Do I need to sign a waiver?

Yes! If you haven’t signed one previously, or are unsure if you have, go HERE. Students cannot participate without a waiver.