We greatly appreciate the generosity that our parishioners show St. Jude through their tithing. It helps us in many ways, including running the facilities, staffing, community outreach, and a whole lot more!

Through ParishSOFT, Online Giving, you can make all of your contributions to St. Jude via automatic payment from your checking account or credit/debit card – just as you may do now with your mortgage, household bills, and other monthly payments. This is a great way to simplify your giving – and it’s the most cost-effective, environmentally-friendly way for us to receive your gifts.
To make a secure, one-time, or recurring gift, click the button and follow the simple instructions!
I already use the Electronic Tithing program. Do I need to change?
No. You can keep the current program.
Is my giving information secure?
Absolutely. Any personal or financial information you enter is encrypted using SSL security – the same state-of-the-art security measures used by online retailers, banks, and other financial institutions.
What Payment Methods do you Accept?
We accept donations from credit/debit cards as well as your Bank Account (our recommendation). While we’re happy to accept your donation by any means, Bank Account donations cost significantly less, allowing more of your gift to go towards ministry.
Do I need to Create an Account?
No. That said, we do recommend creating one so that you can view your Online Giving history. Also, you will be asked to create an account if you’d like to setup recurring donations.
Will I Receive a Receipt When I Give Online?
Yes. You will be emailed a donation receipt each time you give. Again, we recommend creating an account so you can view all your Online Giving history.
Is there a Fee?
No. Not to the donor. There is a cost for the program to the parish. A donor can help offset that by checking the box to add a small percent to the donation to help cover the cost. The benefits of Online Giving with a more consistent giving, outweigh the cost.
Must I use Online Giving to donate to St. Jude?
No. You can still use the weekly envelope and pay by cash or check.
Will I still get a year end giving statement from the Parish?
Year-End statements are sent out by request. Please call the Parish Office 616-363-6885.
If you are using the Online Giving program you can view your giving history by year from the Giving page.
How do I get help?
Please call ParishSOFT at 866-930-4774 or email: donorsupport@parishsoft.com
Ways to Give:
– Access from the St. Jude website, stjudes.net, click the ‘Giving’ menu, then click the ‘Give Online’ button on the next page
– Scan the QR code on the brochure or in the bulletin
– Text-to-Give by texting “Give” to 734-672-3795
– Download the App: Church by MinistryOne