Shine Registration Shine Rally Registration Student's Name(Required) First Last Student's EmailSchool(Required)Grade(Required)Parish(Required)Parent's Name(Required) First Last Parent's Phone(Required)I would also use this as a contact number in the case of cancellations, etc.Parent's Email(Required)Please list dietary needs, allergies, or any other medical information that would be important to know.We need chaperones! Are you able to chaperone for all or some of the event (12:45-6:45)?(Required) Yes, all of it. Yes, some of it. No, but thanks for asking! All chaperones will need to be Virtus-trained and background checked.Consent(Required) I consentAs a parent/guardian, I do hereby authorize the treatment by a qualified and licensed physician of any condition, which, in the opinion of the physician, is deemed necessary and appropriate. This authority is granted only after a reasonable effort has been made to reach me. I further authorize the person who presents the minor to sign the Acknowledgement of Receipt of Notice Privacy Rights that may be presented by the physician or health care facility. This authorization is completed and signed of my own free will with the sole purpose of authorizing medical treatment deemed necessary and appropriate by the treating physician.I certify that I am the _________ of the minor child named above and I agree to the above terms for myself and for my minor child.(Required) Custodial Parent Legal Guardian Digital Signature(Required)EmailThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.