First Wednesday of Every Month
Join us for a Mass of Faith, Hope and Healing (Healing Mass) on the first Wednesday of every month at 7:00pm.
We are in need of Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion, Lectors and a Sacristan. Contact the parish office for details: (616) 363-6885.
What is a Healing Mass?
A healing Mass is a normal Mass, but it has a special focus on God’s healing power; this will be reflected in the songs, prayers, and scripture readings.
- Following the Mass, the Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick is offered to those who desire physical, emotional or spiritual healing.
- After the anointing, there is the option to approach a prayer team of two or three people who will pray privately with you if you choose to have them do this. In the process of this prayer, they may touch your head, shoulder, or hands.
- You may also ask the prayer team to pray for someone else’s need. All prayer requests are held in strictest confidence.
- Remember that the healing you seek may occur over a period of time and in a way which is different from what you expected. Be consistent by praying continuously for your healing.