Prayer Requests

Praying for others is a way of loving them. The Catechism of the Catholic Church states that even since Abraham’s time, people have interceded (asking on behalf of another) in prayer for one another. It is a “characteristic of the heart attuned to God’s mercy.” (CCC 2635) Intercession for our fellow man is an act of selflessness, even to the point of praying for our enemies. “The intercession of Christians recognizes no boundaries, ‘for all men, for kings and all who are in high positions,’ for persecutors, for the salvation of those who reject the Gospel.” (CCC 2636)

How can we pray for you?

Prayer Line

Our Prayer Line ministry will take your information/intentions and distribute it to our St. Jude prayer warriors. Prayer requests are kept confidential among the members of the group.  Members pray privately in their own homes.  Please call the Parish Office (616)363-6885 to put your intention on the prayer line.

A prayer requests box is also located in the narthex, near the vesting room. You may place your prayer requests and in that box and they will be added to the prayer line.


Virtual Prayer Requests

Submit a prayer request that will be posted on our website. This will be posted publicly and will be viewable by any visitor to our website. Please be careful about posting personal information.

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Bulletin Prayer Requests

Every week, our bulletin includes the names of those have asked our parish family to pray for their intentions. To have your name added to the bulletin prayer requests, please contact the parish office at (616)363-6885.

Healing Mass

Join us on at 7:00PM on the first Wednesday of every month for a Healing Mass. A prayer team will be available to pray over you.

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