Strategic Plan Update

St Jude ministry leaders have been actively working on the St Jude Parish Strategic Plan since early last year. Past parish surveys and ministries’ brainstorming sessions resulted in five (5) strategic initiatives being identified early in 2023.

The Parish survey that was conducted in September of last year helped determine twenty-four (24) specific new or expanded ministry activities to support the five strategic initiatives. These twenty-four activities are in addition to almost sixty (60) ministries that were already being supported at St Jude Parish.

Brochures are being mailed to parishioners that provide information on the strategic plan and the five strategic initiatives. Poster boards that list the five initiatives and the twenty-four supporting ministry activities will be located in the back of church in the

There are several events being planned for the fall of 2024. The purpose of the events is to continue to update and include parishioners in our strategic plan activities. There is a lot going on at St Jude Parish. With your input and support, our parish will continue to grow as a vibrant parish.

Pastoral Council